A close up image of landscaper unrolling a piece of sod

The Best Time to Install Sod in South Texas

What’s the Best Time To Get My New Lawn Installed?

Unlike other parts of the country, Sod can be laid year-round in the San Antonio Area. So the best time can vary by opinion. We successfully install sod all year, even in the winter. It just takes different amounts of water and care based on the temperatures. We will give you our opinion of the best time to install sod below.

Landscape Advice Based on Your Location

People often make the mistake of getting advice from people who live in New York, for example. They can’t install sod in the winter because of the temperatures and snow on the ground. So the best time to install sod in those regions would be late spring or even summer when temperatures are in the high 70s or low 80s on the warmest days. In the South Texas area, Sod can be laid even in the winter months. Remember that the sod will be dormant and yellow, but if installed correctly, it will establish and flourish in the Spring.

Is There a Best Time for South Texas Sod Installation?

Because installing a new Lawn can dent our Budgets, we want to take every step possible to ensure the best results. The best time to install sod in our area would be Spring and early Fall because the cooler temperatures and rain showers will help the Sod Root quickly. It is also lovely to install your New Lawn during the Spring Season because it will have plenty of time to get established so that you and your family can enjoy it come summertime.

What About Summer?

Laying sod in the summer will require more water than at other times of the year because it will evaporate faster due to the higher temperatures. Still, it can also establish faster because of the full sun & warmer temperatures. We installed sod in the hottest months of the year and came back 2 weeks later, and we can’t pull a piece of sod up, meaning that it’s already created a solid root formation.

Conclusion about Laying Sod

Remember that one of the benefits of living in warmer climates, like South Texas is that you can get a new lawn installed year-round without too much concern, as long as it’s installed correctly and you follow the recommended watering schedule. Call us with further questions about the best time to install sod.

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