San Antonio Zoysia Sod
Advantages: Zoysia is a beautiful turfgrass that grows well in a variety of climates. It forms a dense turf and is considered to be one of the most wear resistant of all Sod Grass species. However, if the site is to have exceptionally high traffic that will wear down the grass, zoysia may not be the best choice. This is because of how slowly it spreads. You may find it takes too long to fill in damaged areas. Bermuda Sod or another grass may be a better choice in those situations.
Disadvantages: A common complaint is that zoysia is slow to establish and spread. If you are planning to establish a lawn by seed, it can take a long time. Some seeds will not germinate the first year. If started by plugs or sprigs planted 6 inches apart, it will take up to two years to fill in. If not cared for properly, it could take longer. Weed control in thin areas will be a problem until it thickens up. Sod is the fastest means of establishment.
Zoysia Types
El Toro
El Toro Zoysia is a green colored and medium texture. It is particularly tolerant of drought conditions and resistant to disease. It stands up to wear exceptionally well and is a good choice for both commercial and residential.
It can be planted year-round. Fertilize once per year, usually in early spring. A light compost is suggested instead of chemicals.
Zeon Turfgrass aka the “barefoot grass,” is a fine Blade Variety that does well in the Sun or Shade. sun and shade. It has a Bright Green Color and will establish in a variety of Soil Types. It is also Disease & Insect Resistant. It Produces less Thatch than other Varieties and can retain it’s Color late in the Season. It can be mowed with Standard or Rotary Lawnmower. It can be installed Year-Round.
Zorro’s density, texture, and adaptability to different mowing heights offer an excellent playing surface for tees, fairways, fringes and roughs. Zorro can be mowed with a reel mower at 1/4” or with a rotary at 2”. Zorro has superior shade tolerance to most other warm season grasses allowing it to grow in areas other grasses simply can’t. Zorro has excellent fall color retention and is an ideal choice from the tropics to the transition zone.
Not only is this Grass Type a great product for Golf Courses but it is an unbelievable grass in your yard and commercial business.
Developed and released by Texas A&M University, Palisades Zoysia is a variety of Zoysia Japonica. Palisades Zoysia is one of the most popular coarse-textured Zoysia grasses in the United States. In addition to its medium-coarse texture, it tolerates heat and withstands cold relatively well. It also handles moderate shade and salty conditions quite well. Most importantly, Palisades Zoysia is one of the most drought tolerant of the Zoysias. In fact, some studies have shown it to survive up to 15 weeks without water. Another crucial distinguishing point about Palisades Zoysia is that it can be mowed to as low as ½ inch in height. This aspect of the grass, along with its hardiness in dry conditions, makes it an ideal turf for golf course fairways and roughs – and, of course, for residential lawns. Palisades Zoysia, like many other Zoysias, is a highly dense turf and is also appropriate for highway medians and rights of way, and for industrial and commercial parks.
Extremely drought tolerant
Medium coarse texture
Can be mowed to ½ inch height
Salt and shade tolerant
Thrives in hot and relatively cold conditions
High-density growth pattern
Emerald zoysia is a fine-textured, dense-growing, dark green Turfgrass. Emerald was released by the USDA and the Georgia Agricultural Station in 1955 and is known as the “Cadillac” of turf. Emerald is very drought and cold tolerant. It is slow to spread, but once established, it crowds out weeds. It is wear-resistant to foot traffic. Emerald grows in full sun but also has good shade tolerance.
In 1982, an expert with an eye for quality turfgrasses took note of some particularly appealing lawns surrounding civic administration buildings near the town of Ooneshima on the southern Japanese island of Kyushu. This grass was noteworthy for its dense growth pattern and lack of weeds. It was also compelling because of its fine texture and more uniform appearance than other grasses in the area. This Zoysia became the original breeding stock for a hybrid grass that Texas A&M University’s Texas Agricultural Experiment Station released in July of 1996 as Cavalier Zoysia.
Cavalier looks somewhat like Tifway Bermuda grass but withstands cold better than Tifway. In addition to its cold hardiness, Cavalier demonstrates the good shade and salt tolerance. (This salt tolerance allows for application in areas with less than optimal water quality.) Cavalier Zoysia also resists many insects and diseases – including fall armyworm and Rhizoctonia blight. It has also shown significant resistance to the tropical sod webworm and the tawny mole cricket.
With its dense growth pattern, finer texture, and longer, narrower leaf blades than other Zoysias, Cavalier provides a lush, luxuriant look and feel. It also retains its vibrant green color late into the growing season. Besides its visual appeal, Cavalier requires a minimal amount of water, pesticides, and fertilizer.
Ranked as one of the top zoysias in the NTEP (National Turfgrass Evaluation Program), Cavalier Zoysia is an excellent choice for home lawns, golf course fairways, and tee boxes, parks, and sports fields. Some industry experts believe that Cavalier may be the grass of the future for many golf courses because it grows well in shaded areas, recovers from wear rapidly, and is winter hardy as far north as Kansas City.